无水香草 - 旅行
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好东西都是小包装的!您最喜欢的 Lillian Ruff 产品可随时随地购买!我们最喜欢的宠物美容产品现已推出旅行装,无论您的宠物在世界的哪个地方漫步,都能帮助您的宠物保持清新、干净、美丽。
无水干洗洗发水是一种独特的洗发水,不需要水来洗掉洗发水。 Lillian Ruff 干狗洗发水是一种快速、简单的方法,可以让您的宠物在洗澡之间保持清新的气味。与其他喷雾剂或泡沫不同,我们的洗发水不需要从宠物的皮毛上擦掉。只需用手或梳子喷洒并梳理皮毛即可。对猫来说是安全的。
(1x) 香草无水狗狗洗发水和除臭剂 0.33 盎司

Our "Super" Ingredients
Lillian Ruff products are carefully formulated to be gentle and effective by eliminating unnecessary ingredients that are potentially harmful to pets. We utilize natural essential oils that have been shown to exude powerful long-lasting benefits.
Various types of care products for your pets. You can choose the perfect option for your dog's skin type and coat.
Various volume sizes
Convenient sizes from standard to gallons. First, you choose a product that suits your dog, and then buy a large gallon of shampoo for convenience.
experience quality

Want the same result?
Our Super Shampoons, Conditioners, and Waterless sets is Infused with The incredible composition of our products vital for all dogs, extracts and antioxidants are known for skin conditioning benefits that protect the body's cells from damage, promote cell turnover, and protect against age-related cognitive decline .
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