温和镇静套装 - 适合敏感肌肤
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Lillian Ruff 温和镇静套装包含一系列产品,专为满足皮肤敏感、干燥、发痒、易过敏的宠物的需求而设计。 Lillian Ruff 燕麦洗发水和护发素含有天然燕麦和芦荟,可滋润您爱犬的敏感皮肤,为它们提供应有的缓解。兽医推荐燕麦片和芦荟,以有效对抗皮肤刺激,促进愈合,并重新滋润干燥的皮肤。
与我们的免洗护发素顺发剂搭配使用时,该组合可提供长期舒缓和保湿效果。这款专业套装旨在帮助理顺头发,彻底补水和除臭,即使是最娇嫩的皮肤。我们的专有配方 pH 值平衡、温和且对幼犬、成年犬和猫安全。
- 专为敏感、干性皮肤配制
- 兽医推荐
- 适合频繁使用
- 即时止痒
- 补水和保湿
- 促进皮肤和皮毛健康
- 注入天然成分
- 幼犬和成年犬的 pH 平衡
- 不含麸质
- 不含对羟基苯甲酸酯
- 无硫酸盐
- 无染料
- 无气溶胶
Our "Super" Ingredients
Lillian Ruff products are carefully formulated to be gentle and effective by eliminating unnecessary ingredients that are potentially harmful to pets. We utilize natural essential oils that have been shown to exude powerful long-lasting benefits.
Various types of care products for your pets. You can choose the perfect option for your dog's skin type and coat.
Various volume sizes
Convenient sizes from standard to gallons. First, you choose a product that suits your dog, and then buy a large gallon of shampoo for convenience.
experience quality
Want the same result?
Our Super Shampoons, Conditioners, and Waterless sets is Infused with The incredible composition of our products vital for all dogs, extracts and antioxidants are known for skin conditioning benefits that protect the body's cells from damage, promote cell turnover, and protect against age-related cognitive decline .
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