狗洗发水刷 2 件装
- 快捷方便。橡胶刷毛有助于将产品更快地涂抹在您的狗身上,同时缩短清洗它们所需的时间。有些狗讨厌洗澡时间,所以你越快完成洗澡,你就越不会弄脏。
- 深层清洁 - 狗浴刷不仅有助于加快清洗狗的时间,而且还有助于擦去比用手擦掉更多的污垢、头皮屑、死皮和松散的毛发。当谈到您的狗沐浴用品时,这些是必备品。
- 舒缓按摩——在给你的狗狗梳理毛发时,你想让它们尽可能放松。我们的狗狗美容刷具有柔软的清洁刷毛,在您给狗狗洗澡时也可以按摩它们。这有助于放松那些可能讨厌洗澡时间的狗。尝试一下,看看 Lillian Ruff 沐浴刷如何帮助改变沐浴时间。
- 可调节表带 - 我们知道每个人的手都有不同的尺寸。这就是为什么我们的橡胶狗刷非常灵活,并配有可调节带子,佩戴舒适。这样您就可以轻松地用手在您的狗周围滑动以均匀覆盖,而不必担心刷子从您的手上掉下来。

Our "Super" Ingredients
Lillian Ruff products are carefully formulated to be gentle and effective by eliminating unnecessary ingredients that are potentially harmful to pets. We utilize natural essential oils that have been shown to exude powerful long-lasting benefits.
Various types of care products for your pets. You can choose the perfect option for your dog's skin type and coat.
Various volume sizes
Convenient sizes from standard to gallons. First, you choose a product that suits your dog, and then buy a large gallon of shampoo for convenience.
experience quality

Want the same result?
Our Super Shampoons, Conditioners, and Waterless sets is Infused with The incredible composition of our products vital for all dogs, extracts and antioxidants are known for skin conditioning benefits that protect the body's cells from damage, promote cell turnover, and protect against age-related cognitive decline .
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