保留护发素和柔顺喷雾 8 盎司
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当谈到让您的狗的皮毛保持最佳外观和感觉时,Lillian Ruff 可以满足您的要求。这款免洗护发素梳理剂有助于消除打结和缠结,让您的狗狗的皮毛感觉丝滑光滑。
Lillian Ruff 这款梳理喷雾是一种免洗护发素,无需清洗,可轻松让您爱犬的皮毛保持最佳状态。我们的配方有助于舒缓和滋润正常、干燥和敏感皮肤。平衡,对幼犬足够温和,对成年犬有效。
您的狗不仅仅是您的宠物,而且是您家庭的一部分,您希望给它们最好的。这就是为什么我们 Lillian Ruff 为您的爱犬提供最安全、最优质的产品。美国制造。没有动物测试,100% 零残忍。

Our "Super" Ingredients
Lillian Ruff products are carefully formulated to be gentle and effective by eliminating unnecessary ingredients that are potentially harmful to pets. We utilize natural essential oils that have been shown to exude powerful long-lasting benefits.
Various types of care products for your pets. You can choose the perfect option for your dog's skin type and coat.
Various volume sizes
Convenient sizes from standard to gallons. First, you choose a product that suits your dog, and then buy a large gallon of shampoo for convenience.
experience quality

Want the same result?
Our Super Shampoons, Conditioners, and Waterless sets is Infused with The incredible composition of our products vital for all dogs, extracts and antioxidants are known for skin conditioning benefits that protect the body's cells from damage, promote cell turnover, and protect against age-related cognitive decline .
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