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狗狗的皮肤护理是其整体保健方案的重要组成部分。使用含有天然强效成分的洗发水非常重要,这将有助于在害虫问题出现之前就将其解决! Lillian Ruff 跳蚤和蜱虫洗发水中的天然精油可以驱除先前出现的跳蚤和蜱虫,同时舒缓受刺激的皮毛。
用温水彻底弄湿狗的皮毛。将大量洗发水挤在手掌上,从头部开始一直到背部,包括尾巴,彻底涂抹到狗狗的皮毛上。按摩直至出现浓密均匀的泡沫,静置 4-5 分钟。用温水彻底冲洗,用毛巾擦干或使用吹风机。有关完整说明,请参阅瓶子背面。
Lillian Ruff 因提供深受客户喜爱的高品质产品而享有盛誉。我们继续提供最高质量标准的产品,除了“高级专柜”之外,在其他地方很难找到。在亚马逊搜索我们的其他 Lillian Ruff 产品。与我们的 Lillian Ruff 舒缓椰子燕麦洗发水、Lillian Ruff 椰子燕麦护发素和口气清新剂一起用作完整的护理方案效果最佳。今天就全部尝试一下吧!我们的宠物美容产品在美国制造。无动物测试,100% 零残忍,不含麸质 |不含防腐剂 |素食主义者。

Our "Super" Ingredients
Lillian Ruff products are carefully formulated to be gentle and effective by eliminating unnecessary ingredients that are potentially harmful to pets. We utilize natural essential oils that have been shown to exude powerful long-lasting benefits.
Various types of care products for your pets. You can choose the perfect option for your dog's skin type and coat.
Various volume sizes
Convenient sizes from standard to gallons. First, you choose a product that suits your dog, and then buy a large gallon of shampoo for convenience.
experience quality

Want the same result?
Our Super Shampoons, Conditioners, and Waterless sets is Infused with The incredible composition of our products vital for all dogs, extracts and antioxidants are known for skin conditioning benefits that protect the body's cells from damage, promote cell turnover, and protect against age-related cognitive decline .
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